Amanda Hall Injury Law are rear-end collision lawyers in Acworth, Georgia who help victims and families seek recoveries and damages for injuries following rear-end crashes. One of the big questions victims and families face following any car accident is the question of fault. Fault, or negligence, will determine whether victims are entitled to receive damages for their injuries. Rear-end collision crashes are unique because these accidents are almost always the fault of the driver in the rear. Because negligence is easier to determine in most cases, victims can more readily seek damages from negligent parties and from insurance companies. According to the Washington Post, 1.7 million rear-end collisions take place in the U.S. every year. While some of these collisions are fender-benders, some of these accidents leave victims suffering from serious injuries including whiplash, traumatic brain injury, PTSD, spinal cord injury, and other serious injuries.

If you have been hurt in a rear-end collision in Acworth, Georgia, consider speaking to Amanda Hall Injury Law, rear-end collision car accident lawyers near you. Our firm may be able to assist you with making your insurance claim or with seeking damages for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering from negligent parties. Contact Amanda Hall Injury Law for a free initial consultation today.

Injuries from a Rear-End Collision? Seek Help

Rear-end collisions can leave victims suffering from serious injuries. Common injuries associated with this type of car accident include whiplash, traumatic brain injury, spinal injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other serious injuries. If you or a loved one was seriously hurt in a rear-end collision, contact Amanda Hall Injury Law, car accident lawyers today to learn more about your rights. Here are some of the main types of injuries victims might face after a rear-end crash:

  • Whiplash. According to the Mayo Clinic, when the neck is jostled back and forth in a car accident, victims can suffer from whiplash. Rear-end collisions are notorious for leaving victims with whiplash injuries. While this injury might have no outward signs, victims can suffer from pain, neck stiffness, difficulty moving the neck, and headaches. Other symptoms include arm or shoulder pain, memory changes, fatigue, and dizziness. Some individuals suffer cognitive changes including blurred vision, sleep problems, irritability, memory problems, concentration issues, and depression. While minor whiplash symptoms can heal over time, some victims suffer long-term complications that can impact their ability to work or enjoy regular life activities. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with whiplash following a recent rear-end collision, you may be entitled to seek damages for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Contact Amanda Hall Injury Law, car accident lawyers in Acworth, Georgia today.
  • Traumatic brain injury. When the head is jostled around in a rear-end collision, the brain can hit the front and back of the skull. While victims might not end up unconscious or may not experience symptoms right away, they could over time begin to suffer from symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury. Mild traumatic brain injury might not be diagnosed at the scene of the crash, may not appear on PET or CAT scans, and may not necessarily require a blow to the head. If you or a loved one is suffering from memory loss or changes, sleep problems, dizziness, headaches, changes in vision, mood changes, or personality changes after a rear-end collision, you may want to see a doctor as soon as possible. You may also want to speak to the car accident lawyers at Amanda Hall Injury Law in Acworth, Georgia who can help you seek damages for your injuries and losses.
  • Spinal Injury. If the neck is jostled around with too much force, spinal injury can occur. This can be the most serious injury a person can experience following a car accident. Victims may face hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars in medical bills, not to mention lost wages and pain and suffering. These permanent injuries are catastrophic and can lead to loss of motion and sensation below the injury site. If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal injury in Acworth, Georgia, contact Amanda Hall Injury Law today for a free initial consultation.
  • PTSD. Post-traumatic stress disorder can leave victims suffering from mood changes, problems sleeping, and flashbacks. PTSD may result in victims developing avoidance behaviors. This means that victims may not want to drive or may not want to ride in a car. If you have been diagnosed with PTSD following a rear-end collision, you may have the right to seek damages for your medical bills and lost wages. Contact Amanda Hall Injury Law, car accident lawyers in Acworth, Georgia today.

You may only have a limited amount of time to seek damages for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering following a rear-end collision in Acworth, Georgia. Amanda Hall Injury Law are car accident lawyers who may be able to help you seek damages if you have been injured in this kind of crash. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.

Protect Your Rights Following a Rear-End Collision

Rear-end collisions are almost always the fault of the driver in the rear. Tailgating, speeding, and distracted driving are common causes of rear-end crashes. Drivers have a responsibility to leave sufficient room between their cars and cars in front of them. When drivers fail to do this, rear-end collisions can occur. Speeding can also result in more serious rear-end collisions and can make these types of accidents more likely because drivers may need more time to stop. If you or a loved one has been in a rear-end collision, you may have important rights under the law. Amanda Hall Injury Law are car accident lawyers in Acworth, Georgia who can work with you to help you make an insurance claim and seek damages from negligent parties. If you have questions about your rights after a rear-end crash, Amanda Hall Injury Law has answers. Contact our car accident lawyers today for a free initial consultation.

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