Amanda Hall Injury Law are personal injury lawyers in Marietta and Canton, Georgia who can help you seek damages if you have suffered a hip injury in a car accident, truck accident, DUI accident, motorcycle accident, or while on the job. Broken hips and dislocated hip injuries can be among the most serious and painful injuries individuals can sustain. When these injuries impact older Americans due to slip and falls, they can leave elderly victims unable to walk and leave them suffering from reduced life expectancy as a result. Yet, younger adults are not immune from hip injuries. Car accidents, truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents are among the leading causes of fractured and dislocated hips among younger adults. If you or a loved one have suffered a fractured or dislocated hip, you may be facing a long road to recovery. These kinds of injuries can leave victims immobile for months. Contact Amanda Hall Injury Law, personal injury lawyers in Canton and Marietta, Georgia today to learn more about how we may be able to help you seek damages for your losses.

Fractured Hip Recovery and Treatment

The road to recovery following a fractured hip injury can be long and arduous. Individuals may not be able to walk for months following this type of injury and may require specialized rehabilitative care. This can result in weeks away from work, lost enjoyment of regular life activities, and pain and suffering. Those who care for their children or families may not be able to do so due to this injury, which may require families to spend hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars on childcare. Individuals who suffer from fractured hips might require surgery and may need extensive physical therapy and rehabilitation. While the CDC notes that every year, over 300,000 adults over age 65 are hospitalized for broken hips, young adults can also suffer from broken hips in serious car accidents, motorcycle accidents, or workplace accidents. Regardless of your age, a broken hip can be a seriously disabling injury.

Hip injuries can be very serious, because some kinds of fractures can cut off the blood supply to part of the hip joint. This can lead to the death of the bone and surrounding tissues. If this happens, individuals may require hip replacement and other interventions. Broken hips are serious injuries because they don’t just involve the fracture of a bone, but can also impact blood vessels and other tissues around the hip. When hip fractures impact the nerves, victims may not be able to walk or may suffer mobility challenges after this type of injury.

Broken hips are serious car accident injuries. Victims may be entitled to seek damages for their medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Amanda Hall Injury Law are personal injury lawyers in Canton and Marietta, Georgia who can assist you with seeking damages for your losses following your broken hip injury.

Hip Dislocations Recovery and Treatment


Hip dislocations are rare injuries because intense forces are generally required to cause the femur to dislocate from the leg socket. However, the forces that the human body might be subjected to in a car accident can be sufficient to cause a hip dislocation. When the body hits a dashboard or seat, the impact forces can be transferred from the femur to the hip, causing the bone to come out of the socket. These kinds of injuries are incredibly painful and can require months of rehabilitation. If the nerves are affected during the dislocation, victims can suffer loss of sensation or motion in their legs or feet. This can permanently impact a person’s mobility and ability to walk. Hip dislocations are serious injuries and require emergency room treatment. If you or a loved one have suffered this kind of injury and are struggling to pay medical bills, cover rehabilitation expenses, or have missed time from work, you may be entitled to seek damages from negligent parties responsible for the car accident, motorcycle accident, truck accident, or other accident responsible for your injury. Amanda Hall Injury Law are personal injury attorneys in Canton and Marietta, Georgia who may be able to assist you.

Seek Your Recovery Today

You may only have a limited amount of time to seek a recovery for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering following a car accident, truck accident, or motorcycle accident in Marietta and Canton, Georgia. Amanda Hall Injury Law are accident attorneys who can review your case, look at the circumstances of your accident, and fight to help you get the best possible recovery under the law. A broken hip or dislocated hip injury can impact all aspects of your life. Don’t suffer alone or in silence. Contact our law firm today to begin seeking justice from negligent parties and insurance companies.

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