Amanda Hall Injury Law is a spinal injury law firm in Marietta, Georgia that can help you seek damages if you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury in a car accident. Car accidents can leave victims with serious and life-altering injuries. One of the more serious, life-altering, and costly of these injuries is a spinal cord injury. Individuals who experience these injuries might face life-long disability and unique challenges. According to the Shepherd Center, 38% of all spinal cord injuries are the result of car crashes. Falls are responsible for another 30% of these injuries. Spinal cord injuries can be incredibly costly. The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation reports that on average, a first-year spinal cord injury victim with high tetraplegia will incur approximately $1,064,716 in medical costs in the first year alone. A person with paraplegia will face medical costs that average $514,904 in the first year alone. Combine these costs with the reality that many spinal cord injury victims face time away from work or may find themselves permanently disabled and unable to work, and the financial strain that this injury can create for families is immense. Some families may lose their primary breadwinner or primary caretaker for the children. These losses can be devastating. Amanda Hall Injury law are spinal injury lawyers in Marietta, Georgia who work with victims and families who have suffered losses due to car accidents. If you or a loved one were hurt in a crash, contact the personal injury attorneys at Amanda Hall Injury Law in Marietta, Georgia today for a free initial consultation.

About Spinal Injuries

The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that carries messages from the brain to the body and from the body to the brain. When the spinal cord is damaged, bruised, or severed in a car accident, the flow of information from the brain to the body and from the body to the brain can be interrupted. This can result in loss of motion and loss of sensation below the site of injury. Unlike other parts of the body, the cells in the spinal cord are not able to regenerate. When the spinal cord is injured, this injury can be permanent. Trauma to the back or high impact forces from a car accident are among the leading causes of spinal cord injuries. Immediate emergency treatment is essential to preventing further damage and further loss of functioning.

There are two main types of spinal injuries: complete and incomplete. Individuals with a complete spinal cord injury may lose all function and sensation below the site of injury. Individuals with incomplete spinal injuries may retain some sensation or motion below the site of injury, but may suffer from some impairments. Incomplete injuries may also impact one side of the body more than others.

The impact of the spinal cord injury on functioning will depend on how high on the spinal cord the injury takes place. Individuals who suffer injuries near the neck or upper back may lose motion, sensation, and functioning of both their arms and legs, while individuals who suffer injuries to their lower back may lose motion, sensation, and functioning in their legs alone. Upper back spinal injuries are more common than lower back injuries. Spinal injury can affect more than loss of motion and sensation. Individuals may also have difficulty breathing on their own, difficulty regulating their body temperature and blood pressure, and they may suffer from incontinence. These are just some of the many long-term symptoms and challenges spinal injury patients can face following a car accident. Short-term issues can include the need for surgery, immobilization, and intensive rehabilitation.

The aftermath of a spinal injury can be devastating for victims and families. Proper rehabilitation is essential to promoting the best possible recovery. The care team might include physical therapists, occupational therapists, recreational therapists, medical professionals, psychologists, and social workers. The goal is to promote independence and to help individuals resume former life activities and work. However, not all spinal cord injury patients are able to return to work and they may experience significant life changes following this type of injury.

If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury in a car accident in Marietta, Georgia, Amanda Hall Injury Law are personal injury lawyers who may be able to help you seek damages for your losses. You and your family may be entitled to receive compensation to cover medical costs, lost wages, rehabilitative care, and pain and suffering damages. Because of the permanent nature of spinal cord injuries, these victims are sometimes able to seek maximum compensation when it comes to pain and suffering damages. Let Amanda Hall Injury Law help you understand your rights today.

Treatment Following Spinal Injury and How Amanda Hall Injury Law Can Help

Research indicates that patients who receive quality rehabilitative care often enjoy better quality of life, longer life expectancy, and are better able to regain some function and perform former life activities. However, quality rehabilitation can be costly, as can quality long-term care. According to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, the yearly costs of spinal cord injury care can sometimes exceed $100,000 a year. If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal injury in Marietta, Georgia, you may be facing many new stressors and challenges. Money should not be one of those. If another person’s actions behind the wheel resulted in a car crash that led to you or a loved one’s spinal cord injury, you and your family may be entitled to seek damages for your losses. Amanda Hall Injury Law are personal injury lawyers in Marietta, Georgia who work closely with victims and families to help them seek justice. In the aftermath of a car accident, you and your family should be able to focus on healing and recovery. Leave the legal aspects of your personal injury claim to Amanda Hall Injury Law. Our personal injury attorneys in Marietta, Georgia can review your case, speak to insurance adjusters to help you get the best possible settlement under the law, and fight to help you seek damages from responsible parties.

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