image of highway

Fewer Cars on the Road Means an Increase in High Speed Accidents

With restrictions due to the pandemic, it’s no surprise the amount of traffic on the road has dramatically decreased this year. You may often see much emptier roads than usual, even during typical rush hour times because more people are working from home and not heading out as much. While this can offer a more relaxing ride when you do need to go out, fewer cars on the road often means an increase in high-speed accidents. With less traffic, people are more likely to drive faster, sometimes without even realizing it, increasing the risk of collisions on the road.

Dangerous Speeds Are Increasing

It’s estimated traffic has reduced about 45 percent from what it was back in March, leaving open roads in many areas, even major metropolitan areas. Rather than traveling the set speed limit, more people are exceeding those limits and driving upwards of 100 miles per hour, even in cities where the average speed limit is lower than the open highway out in the countryside. Some motorcyclists have even been stopped going over 170 miles per hour, which can have disastrous results if an accident occurs. Changing lanes and making turns at these speeds can be extremely dangerous for everyone involved. When these high-speed crashes occur, it has devastating effects on not only the vehicle, but those who are inside it. Even though officers are issuing more tickets than ever for individuals who are driving 100 miles per hour or higher, it doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

How to Prevent High-Speed Accidents

While slowing down is the obvious answer, there are a few other steps you can take to ensure you aren’t one of those people who finds they have vastly exceeded the speed limit, increasing the risk of a high-speed accident. First and foremost, plan your route ahead of time and make sure you leave early enough to ensure you don’t find yourself feeling rushed, which is one of the biggest contributors to speeding issues. It’s also essential to pay close attention to your speedometer. Strive to keep your speeds at or below the speed limit, rather than ignoring your speedometer and just going with the flow. You can also now download speeding apps to help keep you in check as you drive. These apps, such as the Waze app, alert you when you exceed the speed limit, giving you an audio indication you need to slow down.

Nothing is worth getting into a serious accident, even arriving to your destination late. Even though there’s less traffic to contend with, there’s no reason to vastly exceed the speed limit in the name of reaching your destination more quickly. Stay safe on the road!

A Parent’s Liability on Accidents Caused by Their Children

Injuries and accidents involving children can happen anytime. Often, parents are legally liable for the mishaps caused by their children, including  car accidents caused by their minor child.

Before you hand your car to your teenage child, make sure you know your liabilities in case of an accident. Every state has laws, rules, and regulations regarding parental liability.

Parental Responsibility Law 

Laws in the United States require a certain level of parental responsibility for the conduct of their children. States have imposed criminal and civil liability on parents who are negligent in taking care and supervising their children. The law usually applies to intentional acts committed by the children.

The rationale behind the law is that the parents have the legal duty to take steps in supervising their minor children. When parents fail to fulfill this obligation, and the minor child causes harm and injury to other people or their property, they will be held liable.

States have different laws about Parental Responsibility. For instance, the California Civil Code provides that any willful misconduct of a minor child resulting in the death or injury of another shall be ascribed to the parent or guardian for purposes of civil damages. The parent or guardian is jointly liable with the child for the payment of damages not exceeding $25,000 per wrongful act.

Meanwhile, under the New York General Obligations,  parents or guardians are responsible for their minor children’s actions. However, the New York Law has set that the child must be 10-18 years old for the parent or guardian to be held responsible. A foster parent, however, is not responsible for the acts of the minor child.  

The Georgia Code, on the other hand, provides that the parents are liable for any tort that the child commits. A tort is a legal term for any act that results in harm. There is no distinction whether the act was committed intentionally or through negligence for purposes of parental liability. The same Code also provides for the financial responsibility for property damage and personal injury due to car accidents.

The Texas Family Code provides that there is a potential liability to a person who has the duty and authority for reasonable discipline and control over a child. The liability can be on the child’s parent or can extend to the legal custodian or guardian of the child. The parent or guardian is responsible for property damage only. Seek the advice of an attorney in the area where the accident occurred, as each state has different laws governing parental responsibility.

Family Purpose Doctrine 

The Family Purpose Doctrine provides that the liability over the car accident should be borne by the person who owns the family car. The registered owner of the car is liable even though other members of the family caused the accident.

Here, the owner becomes the principal, and the driver is regarded merely as an agent whose actions are attributed to the owner. The rationale for this doctrine is that the usage of the car was for a family purpose, whether the car was driven by a member of the family with or without permission from the owner.

Limitations of Parental Liability 

Generally, the parent is not liable automatically for the car accident caused by their children. However, a parent or guardian may be liable if there is a failure to supervise the child, the parent was negligent in entrusting the car to the child, and when the car was used under the family purpose doctrine.

The liability of the parent depends on whether the action was criminal or civil. For criminal actions, the person who did the act- the child- is liable criminally. In a civil action for damages, the parent may be liable, together with the child, for the act committed by the child.

Parental liability usually does not apply to children below ten years of age. This is because there is a presumption that children below ten years old are legally incapable of negligence because they are deemed too young to know better.

Aside from the child being below ten years old, parental liability also ceases when the child reaches the age of legality. The child is considered an adult if they reach 18 years old. During this age, the child already knows the concept of negligence and the concept of what is right or wrong.

Each state also has different laws and rules regarding parental liability. Some states allow underage driving, while some limit the parents’ monetary responsibility according to the kind of damage the child has done. An example is California, where the parent is jointly responsible along with the child for the amount not exceeding $25,000 per wrongful act.


Accidents can happen anytime. It’s unfortunate if a minor child is involved and was the cause of the car accident. When this happens, the parent or the guardian is responsible for such actions. Make sure that you know your rights and responsibilities as a parent when such a problem arises. Seek the help of a lawyer to protect your rights.


image of dented car bumper

The Family Purpose Doctrine and How it Affects your Car Accident Lawsuit in Georgia

Recently, the Georgia Court of Appeals gave an opinion regarding the applicability of the family purpose doctrine in Georgia. It was in reference to a car accident lawsuit. The specific accident occurred in 2016 when a minor was the driver of a vehicle where the father was a passenger. The minor was in an intersection and turned left when an approaching car continued straight into the minor’s car. The other car struck the passenger side of the minor’s car and resulted in the father’s death. The widow filed a wrongful death suit, and the defendant maintained a counterclaim stating the accident was the fault of the daughter. The defendant also imposed Georgia’s family purpose doctrine as a defense in this lawsuit.

According to Georgia’s family purpose doctrine, the accident victim can hold the owner of the car who caused the accident liable for damages. But, certain factors must be proven. Here’s a list of those factors:

  • The negligent driver was a family member living in the household of the owner
  • The defendant had control of his own vehicle
  • The owner let the driver use the car for the convenience or pleasure of that family member
  • The driver had the consent of the owner for “family purpose” at the time of the accident
  • An agency relationship exists between the owner and the family member

In this particular case, the defendant argued that the family purpose doctrine did apply. The father who owned the car let his daughter use the car with permission and as a family member of his household. In addition, the vehicle was a family purpose car and that establishes agency. Did the family doctrine apply in this case?

In the partial summary judgment, it was argued that the family purpose doctrine is a plaintiff’s rule and cannot be put on a third party for recovery of damages. The court analyzed the issue and took into account Georgia’s law OGCA 51-2-2. This decision was that this law does not put the liability on parents based on the parent-child relationship. The court made it clear that the doctrine is intended to permit the plaintiff to recover from a negligent child’s parent with certain conditions. In the end, the third party was not permitted to use the family doctrine as a defense, and the widow prevailed.

If you or a loved one has incurred injuries or died in a car accident in Georgia, it’s important to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer. An experienced personal injury lawyer will understand the complexities of the family doctrine and assist you in recovering compensation for yourself and your loved ones. Keep in mind that the law is complex and an experienced personal injury lawyer can explain the law to you so that you understand it. Our experienced personal injury lawyer will also act as your advocate and fight for your rights for the best outcome.


broken caution sign because of workplace injury

What Are Your Legal Options after a Workplace Accident?

No one likes to think about being injured on the job, but the fact remains thousands of people fall victim to workplace injuries each year. While some of them are caused by negligence on your employer’s part, others aren’t, which means the difference between whether you’ll be able to sue. While workers’ compensation is designed to provide assistance for those who were injured on the job, regardless of the cause, accepting this compensation eliminates your right to sue if your employer was at fault, losing out on some important types of compensation. Therefore, before you sign up for worker’ compensation, it’s important to fully understand your legal options after a workplace injury so you can make the right choices.

Was Your Employer Negligent?

First and foremost, you need to determine if your injury was caused by something your employer could have or should have done to prevent the accident. For instance, if there is a known slippery spot on the floor and your employer fails to put up a sign indicating the danger, it could be cause for a lawsuit. However, sometimes these situations aren’t as clear cut. This is why it’s essential to talk to a lawyer before you sign any paperwork that negates your right to sue your employer. Once you understand whether your employer was at fault, you can proceed accordingly.

Did a Third-Party Cause Your Injury?

If your injury occurs on the job and you claim workers’ compensation, you could still maintain the right to sue, but it wouldn’t be your employer. If your injury was caused by someone else’s negligence, even if it took place at work and you receive the benefits of workers’ compensation, you would be entitled to filing a personal injury claim against the person who was at fault. Again, this is a matter that requires the guidance of a personal injury lawyer who has experience with these types of cases. They can guide you in the right direction and help you decide the best course of action for your case.

Was the Injury Caused Intentionally?

It’s easy to believe in the overall good in people, but sometimes people do things that are considered malicious. When you’re on the job, it’s no different. For instance, perhaps a coworker takes offense to something you did or said and gets into a fight with you, causing an injury. Although the injury happened on the job, you would have the right to sue under a personal injury case. You wouldn’t sue your employer; instead, you would sue the party who was at fault..

After a workplace injury, after receiving the necessary medical attention, it’s important to talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer. They can help you explore your options and make the best choice to ensure you receive all the compensation to which you are entitled.

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What Is Personal Injury Law?

What You Should Know About Personal Injury Law

At some or other, you may find yourself either filing a personal injury lawsuit or defending yourself against such a lawsuit. If you aren’t familiar with the world of personal injury law, this situation can seem confusing, unsettling or intimidating. Here are some primary points of injury injury law to help you navigate the necessary processes and procedures more confidently and successfully.

Personal Injury Law Defined

Personal injury covers issues related to injuries inflicted on a person’s body. This focus differentiates it from other types of litigation that might involve damage to someone’s property or reputation. the injury inflicted may be physical, mental, emotional, financial, or any combination of the above. Many individuals file personal injury lawsuits after discovering that they cannot achieve proper compensation for their losses through insurance claims or other means.

Types of Personal Injuries

Personal injury covers a wide range of injury types and scenarios. Common examples include:

  • Automobile accident injuries
  • Wrongful death due to negligence or dangerous working conditions
  • Slip-and-fall accidents or other workplace injuries
  • Various forms of assault, including sexual assault and assault and battery
  • Injury caused by defective products
  • Medical malpractice

Personal Injury Damages

An individual who has suffered a personal injury may have the right to request multiple kinds of damages due to hardships caused by the injury. For example, accident injury sufferers may be faced with enormous medical bills, not only for past treatment but for ongoing care. They may also have lost substantial wages or the ability to earn a wage going forward. Their lawsuit may demand financial compensation for these losses.

Personal injury damages can also take a less tangible form. You may have reason to seek financial compensation for your pain and suffering, for instance, or for the destruction of your quality of life. You might even have grounds to sue on the grounds of consortium, the loss of family or marital relations. Your attorney can help you figure out exactly what kinds of damages you should request and what dollar amounts those damages should assume.

Determination of Liability

The determination of liability can make all the difference between the full award of damages, no damages at all, or some in-between compromise number. Personal injury lawsuits generally require the plaintiff (the person bringing the lawsuit) to show that the defendant  (the person or entity being sued) caused the injury either directly or through inaction, negligence, incompetence, or other faulty behaviors.

Different states have different laws regarding how they assign or distribute liability. In a state that upholds the principle of contributory negligence, plaintiffs cannot receive any damages if they shared even one percent of the blame for the event that caused the injury. Most states, however, follow some sort of comparative negligence rule. This means that the plaintiff will receive a percentage of the requested compensation based on the percentage of fault assigned to the defendant by the court.

Our law firm can answer all your questions about personal injury cases and compensation while helping you build an effective case. Contact us today to learn more.


potential workplace injury in the summer

The Summer Months Mean an Increase in Workplace Injuries and Illness

With the warm months of summer finally here, you might be dreaming about your next vacation. Unfortunately, for people in many occupations, summer is hardly a time of rest. Instead, many industries actually see increases in the number of workplace injuries and illnesses. By having a better understanding of which ailments are the most common and which workers are most susceptible, you can make the right decisions to keep yourself safe on the job.

Common Summertime Injuries and Illnesses

There are a number of injuries and illnesses that tend to occur more during the summer months, with heat stroke being among the most common. This serious condition can be fatal and occurs when a person is exposed to dangerously high temperatures to the point of affecting organ function.

Another common summertime ailment is that of dehydration, which happens when a person is sweating out more fluids than they’re taking in. This is also very common when workers spend a lot of time outdoors in the heat without enough hydration breaks.

Sunburns are another summertime injury that can be quite severe. Failure to wear proper sun protection when working outdoors for prolonged periods of time can result in a serious sunburn that can cause permanent skin damage. Furthermore, serious sunburns can also increase a person’s chances of developing skin cancer later in life.

Slip-and-fall accidents are also more common during the summer months, especially around construction sites where debris is left laying out. Slips and falls can result in severe and life-threatening injures, ranging from fractures and broken bones to brain trauma and even death.

Which Occupations Are Most Affected?

Any occupation where workers spend time outdoors or indoors without climate control can be at greater risk of these summertime illnesses and injuries. However, some of the most frequently affected workers include:

  • construction workers
  • agricultural workers
  • sports/recreation workers
  • landscaping workers

Preventing Summer Injuries and Illnesses at the Workplace

The good news is that employees and employers can take measures to create a safer work environment for all. For starters, employers should always carry workers’ compensation coverage so that employees are protected in the event of an on-the-job injury. Furthermore, employees should be permitted to take regular breaks where they can receive some reprieve from the sun and hot temperatures, whether this is inside a building or an air-conditioned vehicle.

Employees should stay hydrated at all times, keeping an insulated water bottle filled with cool water with them on job sites so they always have access to water when needed. Regardless of whether it’s a sunny or cloudy day, workers are also encouraged to wear a high-SPF sunscreen. This is especially important for those working during the highest sun position of the day, which is typically during the mid-afternoon.

Finally, employees should be educated on the common signs of these workplace injuries and illnesses, including heat stroke and dehydration, so they can act quickly to get medical attention if they begin to show symptoms. With a little bit of foresight and planning, employees and employers can take the steps needed to create safer workplaces for everybody.

Coronavirus and Personal Injury Cases

The novel COVID-19 or “Coronavirus” pandemic has impacted the entire nation. Businesses have shuttered, schools have moved online, and plans have been changed all over the nation. Even in areas where everyday life is starting to slowly grind back into motion, the future remains unclear.

This is particularly true if you have an ongoing personal injury claim or would like to file one. Has Coronavirus affected the legal system? Is your personal injury claim even still valid?

The short answer is “Yes” to both of those questions. Yes, the pandemic has affected the legal system and standard operation procedures. But yes, your personal injury claim is still valid, and you are also able to file a new one.

Filing a Claim When You Are Still Under ‘Stay At Home’ Orders

While many towns and regions are starting to relax their ‘Stay At Home’ orders, many others are still under strict effect. Even in those that are reopening, social distancing is still practiced in most business and legal arenas and will be for quite some time. The first step for filing a personal injury claim will be to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer. Most of your interaction with them will now be done through online teleconferencing, email, phone, etc.

It’s important to realize that obtaining the documents and other evidence you need for your claim may take a bit longer than usual at this time. When your claim is filed, you will most likely be advised to settle out of court. Not only are most courthouses still closed to the public, but they are also experiencing a backlog of cases. Many hearings are taking place via videoconferencing, which slows proceedings further.

Furthermore, it’s important to understand that personal injury cases in general usually take two to three years to reach a settlement, and even longer when matters are taken into court. Because of this, it’s very likely that any new personal injury claims being filed will most likely not see the inside of a courtroom at all during 2020, and possibly not for the immediate years to come.

Other COVID-19 Considerations

It’s not just the courts moving slower. When filing a personal injury claim (or waiting on one that has already been filed), there are many new things to consider because of the ongoing pandemic:

  • The statute of limitations may be affected in your cases, though some states are allowing citizens to obtain waivers when applicable.
  • More people are uninsured now because of income loss, making getting injury compensation more challenging.
  • More businesses are declaring bankruptcy, further making it difficult to collect compensation.
  • Medical evaluations / documents are tougher to get now because of office closures and scheduling restrictions.
  • Both insurance companies and businesses may try to take advantage of the current economic situation you if you are injured on their watch. Always speak to your attorney before accepting any offer.

The Bottom Line

Your personal injury case is currently more challenging to navigate, but it is far from impossible. Consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer before trying to file on your own or worse, assuming that you cannot do so at this time.

lawsuit positive covid-19 test

Can I Sue For Contracting COVID-19?

These are troubling times we live in, and nobody is quite sure when the current COVID-19 pandemic will end. Also known as “Coronavirus”, this illness has been shown to spread easily between people and can cause severe illness and even death. Most areas of the U.S. (and the world) have adopted social distancing and isolation practices, but much of it still comes down to personal discretion. So what if you or someone you love contracts COVID-19 as a result of someone else’s carelessness?

Lawsuits exist in the first place as a means of getting justice after suffering from someone else’s negligence. So, it’s only natural to wonder if you can file suit after getting Coronavirus. The truth is that these situations are still very new, but it is possible to recover damages if there was negligence involved. Here’s what you need to know.

Under What Circumstances Can I Sue for Contracting COVID-19?

There are a wide variety of situations and circumstances in which you may be able to recover damages for you or a loved one contracting Coronavirus:

  • It was contracted at a hospital, nursing home, or other medical facility when protective/preventative measures were not taken.
  • It was contracted at work (or in some cases, on the way to or from work), when you were not permitted to work from home and/or appropriate safety measures were not taken.
  • It was contracted on a cruise ship, when staff members did not practice appropriate caution.
  • It was contracted while under arrest or in jail (contact us to learn more about these circumstances)

Again, there must have been a lack of reasonable care or negligent behavior that resulted in the virus being contracted. Your attorney will look closely at all of the circumstances involved.

What Makes For a Successful Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Successfully recovering damages in cases of personal injury can be broken down to four key factors:

1. The Damages – Unless you have proven damages (physical, emotional, loss of income, etc.), you have no grounds for a lawsuit.

2. Causation – In this case, you must be able to determine, when, where and how Coronavirus was contracted. It’s worth noting that your own responsibility (liability) will be taken into account.

3. Duty to Provide Care – You must be able to establish that the named party (the defendant, or person / entity you are suing) had the responsibility of providing reasonable care that would have helped prevent the virus from being contracted.

4. Failure to Provide Care – You must be able to provide evidence that this reasonable care was not provided or done so carelessly.

Is Recovering Damages for Contracting an Illness Precedented By Any Other Cases?

Even though COVID-19 is considered to be a new illness and the modern pandemic is unprecedented, there are in fact some previous lawsuits that can be used as precedent, that is, setting an example. STI/STD lawsuits (particularly when it comes to permanent conditions like HIV and Herpes) have long existed and have been successful in cases of negligence and failure to inform people of their risk. Likewise,  in 2016 a nurse successfully sued the hospital she worked at when she contracted Ebola from a patient.

Coronavirus lawsuits have already begun as well. For example, the family of a person who died from the virus in Illinois recently filed suit against their employer (Walmart) for not taking the appropriate protective measures.

Because of the success of lawsuits like this, the likelihood of recovering damages in current cases of negligence is very good. That said, it is still important to realize that each case will be different, and therefore it is crucial to consult with an experienced attorney as soon as possible.

The Bottom Line

In the modern pandemic and economic crisis, every moment counts. If you or a loved one has tested positive for COVID-19, it is important that you do not wait to seek out legal representation. Our team has years of experience recovering personal injury and liability damages, and we are ready to help you.

patient in a hospital bed after a catastrophic injury

When Is An Injury Catastrophic?

Injuries of all kinds can slow us down and cause us to miss out on work and valuable life events. Whether you were in a car accident, injured while on the job, or in some other type of situation where you ended up hurt, it’s important to know whether or not you are entitled to compensation. First and foremost, however, you need to determine if the injury can be considered “catastrophic”.

This is not just dramatic language. Rather, a catastrophic injury in the legal and medical sense is one that falls into a specific extreme category. In most cases, an injury considered to be catastrophic is one that the victim will likely never make a full recovery from. It is crucial that you consult with an experienced accident attorney as soon as possible to learn more about the possibilities of your case. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about what constitutes a catastrophic injury and what these situations could mean for you in terms of compensation.

Types of Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries tend to result in permanent, lifelong disabilities. Often the result of car accidents or medical malpractice, (though occasional workplaces injuries, sports-related incidents or other events), these injuries are ones that the body never makes a full recover from and leaves the victim incapacitated in some way. The victim may not be able to return to work in the foreseeable future or ever, or they may be permanently handicapped (mentally or physically). In some cases, they injury may result in death or a serious, terminal condition.

Catastrophic injuries vary greatly and actually, often consist of multiple injuries. While this list does not include everything, commonly seen catastrophic injuries include the following:

  • Head Injuries
  • Limb loss (amputation either directly from the accident or later as a medical necessity during treatment of the injury)
  • Broken bones and fractures, often in multiple places and extensive
  • Eyesight and/or hearing loss
  • Brain damage and neurological disorders
  • CNS (Central Nervous System) damage, often causing lifelong pain
  • Permanent disfigurement (anywhere on the body)
  • Serious lacerations
  • Paralyzation or loss of movement
  • Internal injuries (often involving internal bleeding or serious damage to the organs)

Now, it is important to focus on recovery and remain optimistic if you or a loved one is suffering from any of the injuries. That said, it is also important to be realistic about the scope of the injuries and what they mean for the future. By doing so, you will increase your chances of getting the compensation you deserve.

What Kind of Compensation Am I Entitled To?

The exact amount of compensation you could receive will vary greatly depending on the type of catastrophic injury, its severity and the circumstances surrounding the accident that caused it. That said, you could be awarded damages that make up for any lost wages, physical suffering, mental anguish, loss of consortium, disfigurement, property loss and more. Likewise, compensation for catastrophic injuries often includes payment for medical bills, therapy and any other form of treatment that was necessary as a result.

Catastrophic injuries often leave physical and emotional scars, but getting the compensation you are owed can help provide at least some small comfort and sense of justice. If you or a loved one has experienced a catastrophic injury, it’s imperative that you seek reliable legal counsel today!

Rideshare driver gettig a new request

A Correlation Between Ridesharing Services and Accidents

Gone are the days when your only option to get a ride anywhere you need to go was a taxi beyond asking your family and friends. Today, there are many other options from which you can choose. A number of ridesharing companies have emerged to allow just about anyone to become a taxi driver without the need for special licensing or finding a company to work with. However, because just about anyone with a clean record can become a driver for these ridesharing companies, it means more people are on the roads with less training for this type of driving, which can lead to more accidents. This article will explore the correlation between these ridesharing services and the number of accidents on the road.

Studies on Accidents in This Timeframe

The University of Chicago and Rice University both conducted studies that explored statistics released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that covered the time during which ridesharing services have become popular. Their primary goal was to explore whether ridesharing had a direct impact on overall traffic safety. Based on the results of these studies, it was revealed that cities where ridesharing was put into use saw a slight increase of about two to three percent in the number of fatal car accidents. Ridesharing has increased the number of cars on the road and the density of drivers, particularly in larger cities, which can naturally increase the number of accidents that can occur.

Lower Hiring Standards

When an individual attempts to get a job with a company that offers passenger transportation services, such as limousines, taxis and other professional car services, they are required to get a commercial driver’s license, often with a special rider for passenger transportation. This requires additional education and training, as well as testing. Background checks and driver history are also essential parts of the hiring process for these companies. However, getting hired with a ridesharing company is quite different. Drivers are only required to hold a traditional driver’s license and proper insurance coverage on top of their original coverage.

Reduction in Drunk Driving Instances

One of the primary reasons people call for a ridesharing service is, so they can get home safely after a night of drinking. However, the studies that have been conducted were unclear on the direct effects of the number of car accidents and instances of drunk driving. This is according to a study conducted by the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Distracted Driving Is an Issue

One of the biggest issues of ridesharing drivers is the likelihood of distracted driving. These services use an app to alert drivers of new jobs they can take, which means drivers who are out and about waiting for a job are more likely to be distracted if they receive a notification on their phones. They will want to respond to potential jobs as quickly as possible to secure them. This can create a near-constant distraction that can greatly contribute to the likelihood of getting into an accident.