Kennesaw DUI Accident Lawyers
Kennesaw dui accident law firm

Drunk driving devastates thousands of lives every year. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, an estimated 10,876 people are killed in drunk driving accidents each year. Another 290,000 people are injured each year as a result of drunk driving. The choice to get behind the wheel after drinking or using drugs is a dangerous one. When accidents happen, victims have rights.

If you or someone you love has been hurt in a DUI accident in Kennesaw, Georgia, you might have many questions. In the aftermath of a DUI accident, you might wonder what your claim might be worth. You and your family might wonder what your next steps should be when making a drunk driving personal injury claim or when pursuing an insurance claim.

Amanda Hall Injury Law are DUI accident lawyers in Kennesaw, Georgia who works with victims and families whose lives have been impacted by a person’s decision to get behind the wheel after using drugs or alcohol. Call 678-445-7423 for a FREE consultation.

DUI accidents can leave victims suffering from serious injuries including traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, neck injury, back injuries, internal injuries, and broken bones, among others. These injuries can result in missed days from work, permanent disability, pain, and suffering, and may require that victims go through a long course of rehabilitation. If a drunk driver was responsible for your accident in Kennesaw, Georgia, you may be entitled to seek damages for your medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. However, you may only have a limited amount of time to make a claim under the law. Contact Amanda Hall Injury Law, a Kennesaw, Georgia DUI accident law firm today to learn more.

Were You Hurt in a Drunk Driving Accident in Kennesaw, Georgia? 

There are two ways that a person can be charged with a DUI in Georgia. In Georgia, any kind of impaired driving can result in a DUI charge. This means that whether the impairment resulted from drinking and driving, smoking marijuana and driving, or using prescription drugs or illegal drugs and driving, the result could potentially be the same—a DUI charge. A person can face a DUI charge whether or not their blood alcohol concentration from a breath or blood test produces a result above 0.08%. If a police officer determines that a person was driving a vehicle while impaired, the officer may be able to charge the driver with a DUI. However, if a person shows a BAC above 0.08% the state’s drunk driving charges against them will be stronger.

If you were hurt in a car accident in Kennesaw, Georgia, and the other driver was charged with a DUI, you may have a range of options when it comes to seeking damages for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages. Negligence plays a major role in determining who should be responsible for car accident damages. If the other driver in your accident is found guilty of drunk driving or impaired driving, the case for negligence on this driver’s part will be strong. This means that the drunk driver’s car insurance may be responsible for some, or all, of your medical bills. If the car insurance claim doesn’t cover all your losses or damages, you may be able to seek compensation from the negligent driver directly or seek money from Georgia victims’ compensation funds.

The aftermath of a drunk driving accident can be devastating to victims and families. Fortunately, you don’t have to navigate the claims process alone. Amanda Hall Injury Law are DUI accident lawyers in Kennesaw, Georgia who work with victims and their families to help them seek compensation and justice for their drunk driving injuries.

How Are Drunk Driving Accident Claims Different From Other Types of Accident Claims? 

Drunk driving is a crime. This makes drunk driving injury victims crime victims. What makes drunk driving cases unique is a driver’s decision to break the law and to drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Determining negligence is very important when seeking damages following a personal injury claim, but with drunk driving cases, if the other driver is found guilty of driving while under the influence, negligence may be easier to determine, meaning that victims might be entitled to seek full compensation under the law for their losses. Victims of drunk driving accident claims may also be able to seek punitive damages. These are damages that are designed to punish a person for wrongdoing that results in injury. Finally, drunk driving victims may be entitled to seek additional assistance from Georgia’s crime victims’ funds.

If you or someone you love was hurt by a drunk driver, seeking damages from this individual sends a strong message to the driver and to the community: drunk driving and impaired driving come with serious consequences. Furthermore, you and your family might be struggling financially after suffering an injury due to a drunk-driving crash. Seeking compensation for your injuries can help you and your loved ones move forward and rebuild your lives. Have questions about how to make an insurance claim, seek damages, or seek justice after a drunk driving accident? Reach out to Amanda Hall Injury Law, a DUI accident lawyer in Kennesaw, Georgia today. Our attorney can review your case, estimate the value of your claim, and help you map out the next steps going forward.