Marietta Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
According to the Insurance Information Institute, motorcycle crashes cost victims and families an estimated $16 billion in medical costs, emergency services, rehabilitation costs, property damage, lost wages, insurance costs, attorney’s fees, and loss of household productivity. While the immediate losses motorcycle victims and families face involve medical expenses and lost wages due to missed time from work, there are also many other hidden costs linked to motorcycle accidents. Victims may not be able to support their children or families at home, requiring families to pay for outside babysitters or home care services. If victims are disabled after an accident, they may face long-term time away from work which can impact a family’s income.
Call 678-445-7423 for a FREE consultation. Amanda Hall Injury Law understands the unique challenges that motorcycle injury victims face in Marietta, Georgia. We understand the unique demographics and risks of the area and can work with you and your family to help you seek the damages you may be entitled to receive under the law.
While motorcycle riders are among the safest and most well-trained road users, riders are vulnerable road users because they don’t have the protective chassis of a vehicle when an accident occurs. Riders can suffer serious injuries if they are thrown from their motorcycles, or suffer road rash if they skid along the road. Unfortunately, many accidents involving motorcyclists occur due to no fault of the rider. Negligent road users can lead to serious injuries. Drivers might be distracted by their cell phones, or they may not be looking out for the lower profile of a motorcycle when changing lanes, stopping, or turning. Motorcyclists are more likely to be killed in an accident than passengers in motor vehicles. Furthermore, when motorcyclists survive their injuries, they may be more likely to suffer more serious and life-altering injuries after a crash.
If you or a loved one has been seriously hurt in a motorcycle crash in Marietta, Georgia, it is important to protect your rights. When drivers make even a small mistake behind the wheel, this can translate into serious injuries for motorcycle riders. Amanda Hall Injury Law are motorcycle accident lawyers in Marietta, Georgia who work closely with victims and families, helping them seek damages for their medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering after a crash. The aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be stressful for all involved. You don’t have to navigate the insurance claims process and recovery process alone.
Motorcycle Safety in Marietta, Georgia
In Marietta, Georgia, motorcycle riders are required to hold a motorcycle license in order to ride. Motorcycle riders tend to be among the most well-trained users on the road. Riders tend to receive regular safety training to upgrade their skills. The Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program offers special training to riders in Marietta, Georgia. Many of the skills taught in training courses can save your life. What are some steps that you can take in Marietta, Georgia to improve your motorcycle safety?
- Wear a helmet. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 12% of people who were killed in motorcycle accidents were not wearing a helmet. Helmet use saved U.S. riders and other interested parties an estimated $3 billion. Helmet use can prevent serious head injury, traumatic brain injury, and neck injuries in the event of a crash. If you were injured in a motorcycle accident and are not wearing a helmet, your failure to wear a helmet could also impact your ability to make a claim. Negligent parties or insurance companies might cite your negligence to wear a helmet in the claim. However, if you suffered no head injuries and your injuries were localized elsewhere in your body, insurance companies and negligent parties won’t be able to use failure to wear a helmet against you. If you were hurt in a motorcycle accident and your helmet use is a concern, reach out to Amanda Hall Injury Law, a motorcycle accident lawyer in Marietta, Georgia who can help you understand your options.
- Take a safety course. Even experienced riders can benefit from a safety course. Riders can learn new techniques about how to manage hazardous situations.
- Regularly maintain your motorcycle. Brake failure, tire failure, or other mechanical issues can lead to dangerous situations. It is one thing to lose control of your car while you are protected by the chassis of the vehicle. It is another thing to lose control of a motorcycle, where an accident can result in serious injuries. Make sure your motorcycle is in proper working order. If you have taken your motorcycle in for maintenance and you were still involved in an accident due to equipment failure, Amanda Hall Injury Law, motorcycle accident lawyers in Marietta, Georgia can look into the options you might have to make a claim against the repair company. Many stakeholders could be involved in a motorcycle crash. If your tires or motorcycle itself were defective or subject to recall, you may have a claim under the law.
- Use proper safety gear. In order to prevent road rash in the event of a motorcycle accident, you should always wear proper safety gear. Leather can protect your skin, gloves can protect your hands, and boots can protect your feet. It doesn’t just look cool, it keeps you safe.
There are many steps riders can take to stay safe. The best way to stay safe is to get proper training, wear a helmet, and keep your motorcycle properly maintained. Yet, even when riders take steps to protect themselves, they can still suffer serious injuries if they are hurt in a crash with another vehicle. If you’ve been injured, contact Amanda Hall Injury Law. Our Marietta, Georgia motorcycle accident lawyers are here for you.
Unique Hazards Facing Motorcyclists in Marietta, Georgia
Riding a motorcycle brings with it exhilaration and joy, but there are also some added road risks that riders should keep in mind. Road conditions play a greater role in rider safety. The actions of other drivers on the road also play a big role in motorcycle safety. Here are some hazards riders should be aware of:
- Construction Sites. Construction sites can leave the road uneven and bumpy. Bumpy roads can cause motorcycle accidents or affect a rider’s ability to maintain control of his or her bike.
- Gravel. Gravel can cause a rider to lose control of his or her bike. While gravel in and of itself doesn’t lead to an accident or wipeout, gravel combined with speed, or unexpected gravel conditions can lead to an accident.
- Edge breaks. When two traffic lanes are at different heights, this can create a problem for motorcyclists who are changing lanes. These edges must be negotiated with caution. If a rider isn’t aware that the break is there, an accident can occur.
- Expansion joints. Bridges may have expansion joints, which may not have the same textured surface as a road. In addition to being an uneven surface, expansion joints could be slick in wet weather.
- Wet or icy surfaces. Standing water, black ice, or snow can all pose a serious hazard to motorcycle riders. In wet conditions, leaves can be a hazard, which can make autumn riding particularly dangerous.
- Railway tracks. Any uneven surface can lead to loss of control on a motorcycle. Railway crossings can be hazardous.
- Other drivers. Other drivers may be speeding, distracted, or may not be looking out for motorcyclists. One of the biggest risks riders face is other drivers on the road. A small mistake made by a vehicle driver can lead to serious injuries for a motorcycle rider.
If you have been injured while riding a motorcycle in Marietta, Georgia, you may be entitled to seek damages for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages. Construction sites should be properly noted with signs. Roads should be free of debris. Other drivers have a responsibility to exercise caution while on the road. Riders may be entitled to seek damages from construction companies, cities, or other drivers when these parties’ negligence leads to accidents. Amanda Hall Injury Law are motorcycle accident lawyer in Marietta, Georgia who can help.
Seek Justice for Your Motorcycle Accident
If you’ve been hurt in a motorcycle accident in Marietta, Georgia, you may only have a limited amount of time to make a claim under the law. Victims and families may need to negotiate with insurance adjusters and other negligent parties. Fortunately, a Marietta motorcycle accident lawyer, like Amanda Hall can help. We only get paid if you win. Contact us today to get started.