
Truck Accident Injury Compensation in Georgia: What You Should Know

Truck Accident Injury Compensation in Georgia: What You Should Know

As destructive as a typical car accident in Georgia may prove, am accident involving a car and a commercial vehicle can create even more devastation due to the sheer size and bulk of these vehicles. If you’ve suffered a debilitating injury from such an accident, you need to understand your legal options for pursuing financial compensation. Let’s take a look at the unique features of Georgia truck accident claims and lawsuits.

Who Holds Liability in a Georgia Truck Accident?

Georgia counts as a modified comparative fault state. This means you can sue for damages in a personal injury case as long as you hold less than 50 percent of the responsibility for the accident. But who do you sue?

Unlike straightforward car accidents in which one driver sues another driver, liability in a Georgia truck accident injury can include the driver, the driver’s employer, the vehicle owner, and/or these parties’ insurance provider. For instance, the driver may have practiced negligence while representing the trucking company, or the entity responsible for the truck’s maintenance may have allowed the vehicle’s brakes to fall into disrepair.

When Should You Consider Legal Action?

The insurance company that represents the other party or parties in your personal injury case may push you to accept a cut-and-dried financial settlement. Don’t agree to such a settlement until you’ve first consulted an experienced personal injury attorney.

You need to consider all the long-term financial implications of your injury, from loss of income and immediate medical bills to (in some cases) a lifetime of ongoing medical and non-medical care. To obtain the compensation you really need, you may have no choice but to reject an insurance settlement offer and file a lawsuit instead.

In some cases, an improperly-packed shipment may fall from a truck and cause an auto injury. In these situations, the injured party would sue the shipping company instead of the truck owner or driver.

How Do You Pursue a Truck Accident Injury Lawsuit?

In most cases, plaintiffs in Georgia traffic injury cases have two years from the date of the accident to file a claim. The case itself may prove more complex than a standard car accident injury lawsuit due to the number of potential defendants involved, and the need to show exactly how much liability each defendant might hold. Your attorney can use driver logs, carrier hiring records,  and other data to demonstrate negligence.

As you can see, complex cases like truck accident injury lawsuits require expert legal representation. Contact Amanda Hall Injury Law today for a consultation with our skilled, experienced attorneys.

Georgia Statute of Limitations

The Statute of Limitations concerning a claim is among the most important deadlines to know when dealing with a car accident. Whether you dealt with a fender bender in Atlanta or a serious car accident in some other part of Georgia, you’ll need to make sure that you properly file a lawsuit against the offending party before you lose your right to forever pursue that claim. Understanding the statute of limitations for car accident claims in Georgia is essential to ensure your protection in a court of law.

Today, we are going to delve into car accident claims in Georgia to better support your understanding of the statute of limitations.

Different Limitation Periods For Your Car Accident

When we talk about filing a claim in Georgia for your car accident, we aren’t just talking about phoning the offending party’s insurance company to notify them of the claim and accident. What we are instead focusing on is the actual lawsuit you will file against the at-fault individual to acquire compensation.

In Georgia, there are two separate claims with their respective statutes of limitations.

First, a claim for property damage suffered against your vehicle must be placed within four years of the offending accident. This is a Georgia guideline and the statute of limitations can and will change depending upon where you are at in the country.

Second, a claim can be made against the at-fault party for injuries to your person. To pursue a personal injury claim, you will need to make a claim within two years of the offending accident while living in Georgia. This is a general guideline as there are exceptions that can exacerbate the timeline, granting more time.

General Exceptions For Timeline Extensions

While the Statute of Limitations for filing a claim in Georgia will sit between two and four years (depending on the claim), there are exacerbating circumstances. In Georgia, if you were injured while still under the age of majority, your two-year statute of limitations will not begin until you reach the age of majority. This gives you potentially many more years to pursue a claim.

Other circumstances may change the statute of limitations regarding the claim you are filing in Georgia. To make sure that you are properly represented for your claim, contact the team at Ananda Hall Injury Law for support.

Amanda Hall Injury Law Can Help Today!

For more than 25 years, the team at Amanda Hall Injury Law has been fighting for justice on behalf of their clients. Whether injured in an accident or harmed by the negligent actions of others, Amanda Hall Injury Law fights tooth-and-nail to become a powerful voice for their clients.

Amanda Hall Injury Law promises

  • Exceptional Attention
  • Experienced Service
  • No Recovery, No Cost

Contact Amanda HallInjury Law today at (678) 445-7423

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What Is Personal Injury Law?

What You Should Know About Personal Injury Law

At some or other, you may find yourself either filing a personal injury lawsuit or defending yourself against such a lawsuit. If you aren’t familiar with the world of personal injury law, this situation can seem confusing, unsettling or intimidating. Here are some primary points of injury injury law to help you navigate the necessary processes and procedures more confidently and successfully.

Personal Injury Law Defined

Personal injury covers issues related to injuries inflicted on a person’s body. This focus differentiates it from other types of litigation that might involve damage to someone’s property or reputation. the injury inflicted may be physical, mental, emotional, financial, or any combination of the above. Many individuals file personal injury lawsuits after discovering that they cannot achieve proper compensation for their losses through insurance claims or other means.

Types of Personal Injuries

Personal injury covers a wide range of injury types and scenarios. Common examples include:

  • Automobile accident injuries
  • Wrongful death due to negligence or dangerous working conditions
  • Slip-and-fall accidents or other workplace injuries
  • Various forms of assault, including sexual assault and assault and battery
  • Injury caused by defective products
  • Medical malpractice

Personal Injury Damages

An individual who has suffered a personal injury may have the right to request multiple kinds of damages due to hardships caused by the injury. For example, accident injury sufferers may be faced with enormous medical bills, not only for past treatment but for ongoing care. They may also have lost substantial wages or the ability to earn a wage going forward. Their lawsuit may demand financial compensation for these losses.

Personal injury damages can also take a less tangible form. You may have reason to seek financial compensation for your pain and suffering, for instance, or for the destruction of your quality of life. You might even have grounds to sue on the grounds of consortium, the loss of family or marital relations. Your attorney can help you figure out exactly what kinds of damages you should request and what dollar amounts those damages should assume.

Determination of Liability

The determination of liability can make all the difference between the full award of damages, no damages at all, or some in-between compromise number. Personal injury lawsuits generally require the plaintiff (the person bringing the lawsuit) to show that the defendant  (the person or entity being sued) caused the injury either directly or through inaction, negligence, incompetence, or other faulty behaviors.

Different states have different laws regarding how they assign or distribute liability. In a state that upholds the principle of contributory negligence, plaintiffs cannot receive any damages if they shared even one percent of the blame for the event that caused the injury. Most states, however, follow some sort of comparative negligence rule. This means that the plaintiff will receive a percentage of the requested compensation based on the percentage of fault assigned to the defendant by the court.

Our law firm can answer all your questions about personal injury cases and compensation while helping you build an effective case. Contact us today to learn more.