Why Are Women More Likely To Be Severely Injured in Accidents?

When it comes to accidents on the road, you would think that men and women would be fairly equally represented. In reality, however, studies have shown a growing disparity between the number of men and women seriously injured in auto accidents. What does a breakdown of these statistics look like—and what’s the reasoning behind it all?

A Look at the Statistics

In a study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, it was discovered that while men are more likely to be involved in fatal car accidents than women, women are still 20-28% more likely to suffer from fatal injuries. Likewise, women are anywhere from 37-73% more likely to suffer a serious injury when compared to a male driver.

Researchers also found that women are at a three times higher risk of experiencing injuries such as concussions in an auto accident. Meanwhile, women carry a two times greater risk (compared to male drivers) of experiencing a lung injury or traumatic brain injury as a result of a car accident.

So, What Gives?

At first glance, this data can be puzzling. Why are women at such a greater risk of suffering from serious injuries when they are involved in car accidents? In reality, it mostly boils down to the type of vehicles women tend to drive. Specifically, research has found that women tend to drive smaller, lighter, and more compact vehicles. These vehicles tend to offer less protection in the event of a collision than larger and heavier vehicles, thus increasing the risk of a serious injury for drivers involved in accidents.

Studies have also found that in causes of side-impact, T-bone, and front-to-rear accidents, male drivers are more likely to be driving the striking vehicle. Because the driver of a striking vehicle has an inherently lower risk of injuries, this means that a female driver in the vehicle being struck could be more likely to suffer from serious injuries in an accident.

The Bottom Line

There remains a disparity between the number of male and female drivers seriously injured in auto crashes across the country. Mostly, this is due to the fact that female drivers are more likely to drive smaller (and thus less safe) vehicles. However, there are certainly some other factors at play.

Regardless of what led to your auto accident or how seriously you were injured, you deserve to have proper legal representation. Our team at Amanda Hall Injury Law is here to help; contact us today at (678) 445-7423 to schedule your free legal consultation. We’re proud to represent auto accident victims in Woodstock, Acworth, and the surrounding areas and will stop at nothing to pursue your case.